Arnoldo Wald (Ed.), “Essential Doctrines: Arbitration and Mediation, Revista dos Tribunais, 2014. Chapters: Conflitos no âmbito da Propriedade Intelectual e a via da Mediação (“IP Disputes and Mediation”) and Vícios e abusividade do compromisso arbitral? (“Nullities and abuse of an arbitration agreement?)”.
Ingeborg Schwenzer (Ed.), Eleven International Publishers, 2016. Chapter: Choice of Law in Practice – A Global Empirical Survey.
Petra Butler et al. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2018. Chapter: International Arbitration and Domestic Laws: a Symbiotic Interaction?
José Moreno Rodríguez & Alejandro Garro (Eds.), 2019. Chapter: ‘O medo do desconhecido’ – o papel das emoções nas cláusulas de opt-out da CISG (“The fear of the unknown – the role of emotions in the CISG opt-outs”).
Ingeborg Schwenzer et. al. (Ed.), Almedina, 2022. Chapter; O recurso aos usos e costumes na CISG: uma análise econômica (“Trade usages under the CISG: an economic analysis”).
Paul Mason; Horacio Grigera-Naón & Gustavo Moser (Eds.), LexisNexis /Matthew Bender Elite Products, 2021. Chapter 7: International Commercial Arbitration Practice in Western Europe.
Marcelo Mazzola et al. (eds.), São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2024. Chapter 8: Arbitragem e Disputas Internacionais de PI – Considerações Estratégicas (“Arbitrating International IP Disputes – Strategic Considerations”)